Completed Crises

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Thank you for your donations to help Susan and her family build a new home and start a sewing business.

Thank you for your donations to help Susan and her family build a new home and start a sewing business.

Susan’s living conditions:
Susan and her family had been living in an unsafe nipa hut that was about to collapse due to severe storms (last big one was Typhoon Ulysses on November 11 and 12 2020) and a termite infestation that was eating away at the foundation of the hut. The nipa hut they had been living in for 16 years was beyond repair and they did not have enough money to build or buy a new house. The nipa hut also flooded with every large storm making the living conditions bad for their health. They were in a situation where their house would most likely collapse during the next big storm (confirmed by a local builder) and storm season had just arrived in the Philippines. 

Unemployment and health issues:
The little money they did have which was given to her from her 3 boys (one working on a farm) is only enough to cover food and expenses to live each month. Her husband had a long-term illness (TB) and was unable to work at the time due to his weak health condition – he would usually work on the farms. Susan also had no work due to the Covid-19 pandemic – she is a seamstress by trade. 

The situation in the Philippines:
The Philippines is experiencing a massive housing crisis as well as extreme poverty – something which the government is battling to deal with. 

Susan is keen to start a small sewing business:
Susan has had a very difficult life but her incredibly strong faith in God has pushed her through. She learned how to sew at a young age and believes she can make a business out of her sewing skills if she only had an overlocker sewing machine and some money for materials and threads etc. she believes that she can make enough money to try and sustain the basic needs of her family. 

Thank you for your help:
Susan and her family didn’t have the capacity and funds to rebuild their house or buy a new one and this is what we here at Crisis Funds were about to help her and her family with. Susan now has the equipment and materials to be able to provide for her family and having a house that is safe from the seasonal storms has improved her and her family’s lives forever.

We were able to do the following with the donation money:
-Bought her an overlocker sewing machine with all accessories and materials to start her business.
-Build her a new house.
-Furnished the house with new furnishings.

*Susan and her family’s cause was confirmed and verified by our Crisis Funds representative on the ground living in the Philippines and the rest of our team down there – it has been wonderful to help this genuine cause and a plea for help from a genuinely lovely lady who just wanted the chance to work and provide for her family and a safe place for them to live.